Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wk 1 Comments on Jodi Zeigler's Blog

thursday, september 2, 2010

The Art of Possibility
The power of positive thinking is truly a powerful tool! Zander’s experience with music is a perfect way to set the “tone” for explaining his views on possibility. I agree that we all seem to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I find myself making judgments and assumptions on a daily basis that are limiting my view on the world and things that are indeed possible. What we can achieve is limitless, but our ability to create a mind set that is open and judgment free is incredibly difficult due to the underlying information we learn growing up in our society. I find it amazing how often I hear my students saying they can’t do something before they have even tried it. It seems people are so terrified of failing that they are scared to even attempt something they may be great at. Zander uses his musical teaching metaphors to explain this view of limitless possibility, as a teacher I feel it is critical for us to embrace this mindset and try to instill it in our students, so their future is full of possibility.

Posted by jzeigler101

loriluvboyds said...
You have said a mouthful... the power of positive thinking has healed many health issues, created positive relationships and helps people who allow it to be a major factor in living an unbelievable life. Music has always been very emotional for me in a good and bad way. I've always told people they can tell my moods by the music I am listening to. I do believe the power of positive thinking is so crucial to our well being. 

I know you talked about how amazed you are at how your students say they can't do different things. We have actually had a funeral for the word can't the first week of school to let them know that word will drag them down and I remind them how they can accomplish anything if they set their mind to it! Thanks for sharing something positive!

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