Monday, September 13, 2010

WK 2 Comments on Donna Thomas' Blog

Preparing for the Final AR Web Phase
Donna Thomas

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Month 11 has finally arrived and it’s as if I finally get the Full Sail University process. Over these months, I’ve been given tasks that seem to be a part of a puzzle. From time to time, I wouldn’t always be on board with what was needed, but I knew it was necessary. As I prepare for updating and preparing my Action Research site for scrutiny by my professors, I see why we were given the opportunity to build the site month by month. This process gives the learner the ability to construct and deconstruct what has been done and gain greater insight on what not only our topic is, but the research process itself.


Well said!   I agree that over time I didn't always understand the process even though they told us that over and over again, but it's clicking now and I finally realize why I struggle more than I should.    Even though I feel like the process is tedious at times, it is making me a stronger student and scrutinizing my work more closely.   The research process has been a real eye opener for me.    I'm glad to see someone else has gone through the same thought process.   Good luck with your last couple of weeks with this program.
Monday, September 13, 2010 - 08:43 PM

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