Monday, September 13, 2010

WK 2 Comments on Dana Kohl's Blog

Chapter 4: Being a Contribution
"The drive to be successful and the fear of failure are, like the head and tail of a coin, inseparably linked."-Zander
I have never thought of it this way, but one does not exist without the other. As I read this chapter for the week, I questioned why I should see the world in this light. What anxiety this outlook creates. I have always lived aspects of my life in survival mode, have to be something, learn something, and so forth. And as Zander found, the more accomplishments and achievements don't actually lessen the anxiety and tension. When will I arrive and breathe a sigh of relief? Now I'm thinking what about contributing? On a basic scale, I feel I do contribute quite a bit; however, I honestly can't say I've been living my life daily from a place of contribution.

This chapter embodies the power of positive thinking. Zander instructs us that by being a contribution "You instantly shift the context from one of survival to one of opportunity for growth." Such a simple concept, yet without it being brought to the forefront of my mind, or reminded on a consistent level, I can easily sweep it under the rug. I'm loving the shift...and now, according to rule 6, I have to not take my self so seriously. It's a work in progress.

Posted by Dana Kohls at 9:27 AM

loriluvboyds said...

I loved how you brought out such a great point in our reading this week. We have all been in the survival mode at some point and in my case... too much of the time. Why add the anxiety and tension of feeling like it is going to be what it's going to be no matter what or are we looking at it wrong. The reality is there will always be things we can change and things we cannot so the power of positive thinking is a plus in my book. I know it is hard sometimes to realize we all contribute good and bad to our world but it is important to realize we have value and our contributions are worth something. I think your absolutely right that we need to take ourselves seriously and make life change for the better every chance we get!

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